Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Mother's Day Wish-list

In an effort to put off writing about the hard stuff for yet another day I thought I'd share a mother's day wish-list with you.

Now in all honesty my dream mother's day would include a hotel room with room service and sleep - alone. Is that bad mother of me?

I also like handmade tokens from my girls and flowers, flowers are always good, but if you want to actually give a gift here are some of the things on my wish-lists:

1. T-Shirts: t-shirts are always a great option for me because my daily uniform is a cute tee pared with jeans or yoga pants (usually yoga pants). Here are some of my favorites.

I love this shirt from Oliver and Otis. It pairs two of my favorite things - Texas and Yellow Roses!
Find it here: http://www.oliverandotis.com/shop/yellow-rose-of-texas

So true...so true.
Unfortunately, I cannot find the source of this one, but it's cute.


This is so true as well!
Find it here: http://thuglifeshirts.com/collections/new-arrivals/products/i-love-jesus?pp=1

This one is always a great option.
Find it here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/213483171/adult-xl-charcoaltealyellow-be-the-light?ref=hp_mod_rf

2. Accessories - You can never fail with a new necklace, but this year I am really thinking "watch"

find it here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B002QXUTG4/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=2JLTT98RKJ14L&coliid=I3WPQQTXMG9R1&psc=1

3. Anything Fitness Related: Since I'm back on my weight-loss journey any "fitness" items would be helpful! 

New Fitbit Flex Straps

I found this one at BestBuy
find it here: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/french-bull-wristband-for-fitbit-flex-wireless-activity-trackers-black-white/9281072.p?id=1219405826415&skuId=9281072

4. And lastly (because I am feeling like this post is kind of annoying) BOOKS - I always have a wish-list of books, but right now I am really wanting these to by Kara. You can find both of these on Amazon. 

This one is a pre-order that will be released in October. 

5. Ahhh...you just thought I was done. I thought I throw one more in just for giggles:

A Canon EOS Rebel T4i DSLR with 18-55mm EF-S IS II Lens. I mean why not...as long as I am wishing I should go big, right? Hey, this is even the old model, so I'm not going too big! 

You can find it here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00894YWD0/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_img?_encoding=UTF8&colid=2JLTT98RKJ14L&coliid=I23GHTUGFR25L4&psc=1
But really just having my family with me on mother's day is a big enough gift (I am supposed to say that right? - ha!). What's on your Mother's Day wish-list? 

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