Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Weekend Re-Cap

Friday was not a good day at all in our house. It toddler style mayhem and I was determined to make Saturday great!

I was up and at the grocery store at 6:30 am (that is the only time during the weekend when it's bearable) and I even made it under my weekly grocery budget!

The grocery store was followed by Bunny (just have a creative mind...they resemble bunnies) pancakes.

Bekah said, "Oh Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!" when she saw them.

After breakfast we were headed out the door to our church's Easter egg hunt. Earlier in the week I made the girls' matching outfits and I was so excited to see them on!

Grammy sent us three uniquely different bunnies and she had designated which one was supposed to go to which girl. Well, they kind of made up their own minds. Everyone wanted Morgan's bunny because it's soft and smooshy.  The Bunny above should have been Shelby's, but Bekah claimed it. It's a Princess bunny...please don't tell her it's a ballerina...everything is princess these days. 

I think Morgan to a total of four eggs. She walked around most of the time with one in each hand. 

Bekah did a bit better with I think 10 eggs, but she still didn't really get the "hunting" part of this. 

This one seems to be growing up before my eyes! I can't stand it!

We had an "After the Hunt" lunch at our house which included chicken salad sandwiches under the tree in the backyard.
It was a beautiful day to be outside and now that we are in Houston I hope to spend every nice day we have left under the tree. Did I tell you that I LOVE our backyard? Except for the mole...he creeps me out. 
I made some pinterest inspired Peep Cupcakes. See the vampire and his victim...not really Eastery, but we could help it when we found the read icing. 

Speaking of growing up, this girl has decided she is big enough to do this:
Don't worry...there was someone standing right behind her. 

Please help...this child has no fear and wants to be big so bad. 

During nap time I snuck off and got my hair cut. I was really one the fence about chopping it all of and going for a pixie cut, but I was talked out of it. Something about it being too drastic and taking baby steps. Here is my finished look. Not to mention I finally got my eyebrows waxed after months!
Saturday was a good day. 

Today was great as well. My morning started out with my listening to My Redeemer Lives by Nicole C. Mullen on repeat. I love that's one of Matt's least favorites. 

It's my goal to make the little girls match for as long as possible...someday they won't be able to stand it. 

After two services (one traditional for Matt and one contemporary for me) when went to MamaB's and JagDad's for lunch following by a round of OutBurst (Name as many Al Paccino movies as you can, can you do it?).

Do you see what quickly becoming my "easter dress"? For the past three years it's what jumped out of the closet onto me. 

Easter 2013...look at Baby Morgan
Easter I think I've aged some and look at Shelby! She's is growing up too fast. 

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