Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bekah’s Birth Story

I thought it would be timely to recap Bekah’s birth today on her first birthday – I am still in denial…my baby cannot be one!!! Don’t tell me have another one in the oven because that doesn’t help…this is my baby girl we are talking about.

Compared to Shelby’s birth (which you can read about here), Bekah’s birth was a dream. First off, I had JAG with me the entire time. Let me tell you ladies I’ve done it both ways (married and unmarried) and I prefer married with my husband there coaching me on – not that my mom did a terrible job with Shelby’s birth – you get it, right?

While I was driving into work this morning I had to laugh. I remembered how before I became pregnant with Bekah I said I would have my next child naturally at home. HA! Then once I was pregnant I said I would not induce the labor with this one. I would be patient and wait. Double HA!

After begging and a bit of arguing with Dr. Sak (yeap the same dr that delivered Shelby ten years earlier) he agreed to induce me at 39 weeks. I was trying to be induced at like 36 weeks…I think I started put a bug in his ear at like 32 weeks. I was so over being huge and pregnant during the heat of September.

So, it was set on the calendar – October 4th Induction Day!

My mom and dad came into town and JAG’s mom was here for a conference, so it was perfect timing. I barely slept the night before, but got up super early and headed to the hospital. I was relieved that this time was for real, we would check in and get this over with. I had a walk of shame a few weeks earlier that left me so embarrassed (if you've ever thought you were in labor, but weren't and had to walk out for the hospital still pregnant, you get it). Still JAG left my bag in the car just incase they changed their mind and wanted to send us home.

Check-in was easy and before I knew it I was snug in bed with an IV. I was relieved that I went the just pitocin route this time since I was already dilated 3 cms. The route I took with Shelby was horrible – the worst! Pitocin works quickly before you knew it those contractions were coming and so was Dr. Sak to break my water. I have to say I am so glad I was the only in the room at that time – JAG would have passed flat out. I don’t remember it being so dang painful. I am sure the person in the next room could hear me scream. Dr. Sak kept saying “just calm down.” My response, “Well just get away from me!” Proud mom moment there. After he left I told the nurse “he isn’t allowed to touch me again until I have drugs.”

I also made sure the nurses new that Dr. Sak had a tendency to over book (like they didn’t know) and I wanted to make sure he was on the floor when things were ready to go. I refused to be in the middle of pushing just to have a nurse say “honey you’ll have to stop a minute Dr. Sak is finishing up with someone else.” The nurse assured me I was his only patient for the day – sigh of relief.

The day passed with text messages and facebook posts. My mom came, JAG’s mom was there and of course JAG. JAG quickly learned to not touch me and not talk too much, but don’t play games on his phone. He did good and barely got in trouble.

I would say by Noon things were really rocking and rolling. The nurse offered an epidural and I jumped on it – I am just not cut out for natural child birth. After the epidural things really progressed, but they realized that Dr. Sak had not actually broke my water after all, so he had to come do it again. URGH!

Thank goodness there was a Texas Rangers playoff game on TV and this made time fly. I told JAG’s mom I wanted her to stay in the room. This was my second birth and I was over modesty. After awhile I wasn’t in pain, but had pressure. Dr. Sak breezed in, took a peak and said “she’s ready to go.” It wasn’t even 3 pm. I had a moment of “wait, I’m not ready. I thought this would take 18 hours like the last time!”

If you’ve had a child you know that the next few minutes are a blur of machines and transformer style beds then stirrups, pushing and a baby cry. That was it for me. It was an easy maybe four push birth and she was here! I bawled! I am about to start now. There she was! And she was perfect! Just between you and me I just knew I would have karma because of saying un-nice things about other babies that my baby wouldn’t be cute at all. I was wrong – she was so perfect perfect perfect.

When I was pregnant I wrote that I didn’t know how I would love another child as much as Shelby, but it’s true your heart grows. I was blessed that day! As soon as she was born I said “that was so easy…I could do that again.”

The night after she was born I couldn’t sleep, I just sat there and stared at her. I was so anxious the entire pregnancy for nothing – she was perfect, she still is.  

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