Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Happiness Project: No Cavities!

I have to admit I have not been the best mother in regards to Shelby’s dental care. I feel terrible saying I have relied during the past two years on her once a year screening by a dentist who comes to her school. With that being said I was more than a little nervous about Shelby’s dentist appointment last week.

First I just knew, even though I go to an awesome dentist that they would look at me and think “what a terrible mother.” Shelby just knew that they were going to give her shots and pull her teeth. Luckily neither or our over dramatic thoughts occurred. They were very understanding about Shelby not have dental insurance for the past two years.

I am also happy to report that Shelby must have actually been doing something when I told her to go brush her teeth because the girl had zero cavities.

Shelby covering her mouth before the dentist came in the room.

Shelby checking out her goody bag, she was a little disappointed that they didn’t include candy.

I love the dentist that we go to because he talks to Shelby on her level and also because he loves my new family. He has been JAG’s dentist for years and has told me on more than one occasion how awesome my in-laws are – I kind of already knew that, but I think it is wonderful to hear it from other people.

The only bad thing we heard while at his office was that braces are a definite issue we have to deal with in the next year. Shelby of course is excited. She thinks braces are “really cute.” Let me tell you something she has absolutely know idea what it takes to put those suckers on your teeth and the pain that is felt moving your teeth around for two years. JAG and I are bracing (heehee) ourselves for the academy award winning drama that will take place during that time.

As her mother I knew by this awesome smile that Shelby would be a metal mouth sooner or later.

After appointment, no cavities, sugar free sucker smile!

What makes you happy? Go over to Leigh’s blog and share your happiness or if you need some check out what others have posted!


On a side note: yes, I know my pics are blury. They were taken with my handy dandy cellphone. I still have not gotten over being shy about my camera. 


  1. No cavities is definitely something to be happy about!!

    Her smile is super cute even before the braces!!

  2. Hurray for no cavities!

    Boo for braces!

    Hurray for what braces do!


  3. Super cute photo! I love the joy after a dentist appt when all anxiety is gone because of zero cavities!

  4. Yay for no cavities. I didn't have any until I was 27 I think. Braces aren't so bad...sometimes they are a necessary evil.

  5. Oh yes! A cavity-free visit to the dentist is definitely a happy HAPPY thing! And so is finding another blogger in the Big D! Hi, neighbor:D

  6. Congrats on no cavities! I was always mad at my brother - he never brushed and never got them, whereas I did take care of my teeth and had them frequently (sensitive soft teeth) -- I am happy I no longer get cavities and don't wear braces! :)


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